
I love reading blog comments!

I love reading comments on my blog posts from readers. It's nice to know someone is out there actually reading…

11 years ago

My Broken Collarbone Saga

It's funny, when I was a baby, I broke my collarbone twice.   I broke it twice recently, too.  …

11 years ago

Getting to the root cause of Plantar Fasciitis

I know alot of folks swear by foam rollers.   They talk about how they have this roller or that…

12 years ago

Finish Strong Half Triathlon at Vista Point Jordan Lake

The Unnamed Half has been named!    The winning name is Finish Strong Half Triathlon.    I submitted the name…

13 years ago

Eno Equalizer Race Report, January 2012

I had this saved in draft mode for months, only because I was too busy to write up a report.…

13 years ago

The UnNamed Half Naming Contest

Hey, I wanted to let you all know that The Unnamed Half Iron race needs a name!  FS Series is…

13 years ago

Will Race for Arm Warmers and a Hoodie

As you know, I have been too busy with my career to pay much attention to my blog. Or training…

13 years ago

My Metabolism is like a Frickin Prius

I work out alot compared to other folks. And I don't eat much food compared to other folks. My body…

13 years ago

Tri philosophical question: Branded Ironman or Iron Distance?

Jason M sent me an email asking me this question: Hello, and thanks for the tips and 1st hand information…

13 years ago

Columbia’s Omni-Heat Electric vs. Wim Hof: Go Fish

I love these commercials about Wim Hof and Columbia's Omni Heat Electric jackets.    Incredible how this athlete has tapped…

13 years ago