
Contact Lens Solution in Goggles keeps them clear

A guy I swim with at the lake had some contact lens solution that he put inside his goggles (about…

19 years ago

Swim workout in pool with kids

I had a fun workout at my summer pool today. My pool isn't too crowded, and I know all the…

19 years ago

Swimming Progress

Today I worked out in my old pool. I swam a timed 300 yard swim so I could compare it…

19 years ago

Tried out my Wetsuit!

I drove my daughter and her friend to the ocean today for a beach daytrip. I brought my wetsuit so…

19 years ago

Moment of Enlightenment in Swimming

I've been swimming with a Master's team for about 5 months, feeling very frustrated with my lack of progress. Today,…

19 years ago

Fist Swimming Drill

Coach Brent gave me this drill to help improve my pull. Swim freestyle, with your hands in a fist. Focus…

19 years ago

Basic Principles of Exercise: Principle of Specificity

Swimming Tips by Coach Ian Lee of =http://www.thatswimteam.org]THAT Masters Swim Team. Basic Principles of Exercise: Over the last few weeks…

19 years ago

Swimming Tip of the Week: Side Kick Freestyle Drills

Swimming Tips by Coach Ian Lee of THAT Masters Swim Team http://www.thatswimteam.org Freestyle: is the Side kick, 12 kick swim,…

19 years ago

Swimming Tip of the Week: Breaststroke: Breast Arms Fly Kick

Swimming Tips by Coach Ian Lee of =http://www.thatswimteam.org]THAT Masters Swim Team. This drill is focusing on developing the wave breaststroke.Arms…

19 years ago

Swimming Tip of the Week: Fly Drill: 4 Kick 1 pull

Swimming Tips by Coach Ian Lee of =http://www.thatswimteam.org]THAT Masters Swim Team. This drill is to work on reaching forward, and…

19 years ago