• 2007 Race Plans

    So far, I am signed up for two triathlons: Lake Logan on 8/4 Lake Norman on 8/25 I chose Lake Logan because I wanted to […]


    I got three new Spinervals DVD’s for Christmas (I asked for them). Last week, I did the Suffer-o-Ramma workout. This week, I did The Uphill […]

    Endurance Magazine

    A photo of my daughter and me are in the Jan 2007 issue of Endurance Magazine on page 28. There’s no article about us…just a […]


    I was googling Raleigh Area Master’s to learn about an upcoming free swim clinic… when I ran across this page… http://swimdownhill.com/_wsn/page3.html It has lots of […]

    Run Cadence Workout

    I ran 12 miles last week along the Valley Parkway trail in the Cleveland Metroparks. It was great weather for running! I had downloaded a […]