Here is a picture of me with wet hair and no makeup. I challenge Pamela Anderson to post a similar picture of herself on the internet.
- Pamela Flees Hotel.
- Celebrities w/out makeup
I don’t feel so bad now!
Okay, the real reason for this post is the banged up nose I got while swimming today. I was doing a swim drill today called “Blind Swimming” (described below). As the picture clearly illustrates, I didn’t do such a good job with that I smacked hard into the lane line. That’s right, I said lane line – not the wall! Whoddathunk a lane line could cause that much damage to my nose???
Here’s a close up of the wound the next day. Dang, that’s going to leave a scar.
Blind Swimming: Swim normal freestyle with your eyes completely closed. On every 5th stroke, raise your head straight forward and “sight” on an object off in the distance (above). Make sure you are maintaining a straight path down the pool. You can do this drill swimming side-by-side with your lane mates to reinforce swimming in a straight path.
More great swimming drills here:
jeez that looks painful. no more blind swimming!
Ouch! Those lane lines are dangerous.
Oh no, Carol! Ouch. I tried blind swimming in my tri swim class last spring. I find it hard to make myself keep my eyes closed. Must be a survival instinct thing. Hope you heal up fast.