A blog reader named Alden submitted this story as a comment on an old post entitled “Fear of Open Water Swimming“. I thought this was a really neat story, so here ya go…
I have been swimming in Santa Monica Bay, CA for twenty years since moving here from Sydney, Australia. As a boy, I swam in shark infested Sydney harbor almost every day. Members of the Royal Fishing Yacht Club hauled out 15ft Tiger sharks and hung them up to be weighed every weekend. But in all that time I never saw a shark in the water. I see a lot of dolphins in Santa Monica Bay and they come pretty close when I swim but still no sharks. I swim 1 – 1.5 miles every day. I used to swim a couple of hundred yards out parallel to the shore but I have become more concerned about sharks especially since the attack in San Diego last year. Now I swim closer to shore.
The reason I’m commenting to this is because just yesterday I was chased down by a seal. While I was swimming, head down and cruising, I felt something push against my feet. It didn’t feel like kelp so I immediately looked below and behind me to see a large grey – spotted seal swim underneath me. Scared the #@$%* out of me at first until I realized it was a seal. It disappeared quickly and I thought that maybe it was just checking me out and wasn’t interested. So I continued to swim. Moments later it came back and knocked into my legs from the side. I stopped and floated looking for it in the water. Twice more it came up from the depths to my feet and I kicked it away. I started to wade towards shore and it followed me staying within yards arms reach. It came to the surface several times to look at me. I looked back trying to figure out what it wanted. Then it dove back under the water. This continued until I reached shore and could stand. When the seal saw this it flipped its tail and dove under. I saw its head pop up a few times more further and further down the shore. After a while I started to swim again but in the opposite direction.
I always thought that I would see shark before it would see me. But visibility was so low that it wasn’t until the seal was just six feet away that I could make out what it was. The first nudge on my feet stopped my heart. You don’t expect to be touched when you are swimming alone out in the ocean. In retrospect I think the seal was either just curious, a female thinking I was a larger male or a diver with scraps to feed it.
I went back in again today. I love swimming in the ocean. I’ve spent my whole life swimming and sailing. So, its like getting back on the horse. There are others that swim out there in the bay. Much further out than me and early in the morning too. I think if you swim in a group you are better protected. It is a fearful place for sure. Most of it is in our heads though and much of that fear can be dispelled through research and scuba diving – to get a better look at what’s actually down there. Overall, it’s too beautiful and wild a place for me not to be in it. There’s no choice.
E-mail me if you have an interesting story to share on my blog.
I was surfing in December of last year in Palos Verdes and ran into a seal that brushed up against my feet while I was surfing. Freaked me out. There were three in the bay popping up frequently to look at the surfers in the lineup. I had taken a wave in and paddled back out into the line up. As soon as I sat up on my board I felt something brush up against the bottom of my feet. I thought it was kelp at first as well. It really freaked me out. I paddled about twenty yards away to get some distance from the seal. As soon as I sat up on my board again, a seal brushed the bottom of my feet again. I tried to keep my feet out of the water for the rest of the time I was in the water. When I paddled in, a eal seemed to follow me in at a distance.( 30 yards away) It kept an eye on me as I left the water.
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog.
Cheers! Sandra. R.
I too stumbled across this post and am chiming in with my story. I had a recent scary encounter with a seal at Mahia Beach in New Zealand. I swim there regularly and we are well known for our local dolphin, Moko. I saw this “black thing” coming towards me and stupidly assumed it was Moko – but instead this seal appeared puffing and grunting right in front of my face, teeth bared and quite forceful – it leaped over my shoulder, slithered down my side and round my legs then promptly bit my leg. I couldn’t get out of the water fast enough I tell you ….
So. I’m a complete freak. I stumbled across this post and decided that I would chime in with the following information. The animal in the picture.. is not a seal. Close. It is a Sea Lion. It appears to be a female, although I can’t tell for sure from the photo.
Yikes! I am glad you are ok, I hope the seal is ok too!!
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