I am feeling great again today. I think my slump was caused by a combination of things. Here they are, in bullet points…
- I had a mild cold, which made me feel run down
- I overdid it on the P90X stuff, as a reader named Katie suggested. I approached that with an “I am an Ironman” attitude, and just overtrained. I’m still very excited about that, and I will do it, I just need to figure out how to do so without toasting myself.
- cold, crappy weather – as Kevin said, maybe it’s a bit of Seasonal Affective Depression Disorder.
- still having trouble balancing working full time with life and training.
- stressful stuff going on at home. teenagers tend to have that affect on life.
I was seriously considering just going back to being a couch potato. But, yesterday two things happened.
- I was wearing a sleeveless sweater and looked in the mirror. I saw my shoulders and arms. I can’t do a frickin chin up, but my tri lifestyle has given my pretty buff arms. And biking gives me awesome quads. I don’t want to lose that. Gosh, that sounds so narcissistic.
- I went grocery shopping last night. It was freezing cold outside and I had a ton of bags to carry in from the car. I was so cold, that I ran in and out of the house a bunch of times as fast as I could, to get it over with. I enjoyed those little sprints very much, and it reminded me that I like to run.
Last night at bedtime, I was still feeling crappy and went to bed with no plan in mind for a workout.
I woke up late this morning, scrambled to get ready for work, got a crockpot meal going. At that point, it was 7:30am. I really should head out the door by then. I thought, hell, I’m just going pack some running gear just in case I feel like running at lunch. I really need to get some endorphins and burn some calories!
I started packing things up in my gear bag. The weather forecast was 45 with a wind chill of 35, and my best cold weather running gear was in the dirty laundry pile. There’s just so much to remember to bring along, and I couldn’t find this or that, and started making excuses why I should just bag the idea of a lunchtime run. Then I decided to “man up” and just pack what I could and hope for the best.
At 1pm, I walked outside to test the air. It was sunny and not too cold and I was stoked for a good run. And a very good run I had. This is what I wrote in my BT log…
Had a great run to lake crabtree from work. Finally a nice sunny day. Wiped out at the very beginning while trying to get the Pose leaning gravity thing working. Haha, got some gravity anyway.
And of course, I twitpic’d it. You know, I read once that people who tweet tend to be narcissistic. oops. Should I seek therapy?
I loved the first movie. I am excited for Iron Man Part 2! This movie and the soundtrack with AC/DC are going to be amazing! I can’t wait!
Hope your knee feels better! Happy late birthday. Maybe we are twins separated at birth…I mean, we do have the same addiction. =-)
Congrats on getting back out there (and having a war wound to prove it!)! I am now going to “man up” and head to the pool. Thanks for the nudge!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better. It does sound like you have a lot going on, plus post-ironman depression is a real phenomena.
And I get you spent a couple minutes flexing the mirror as well
Therapy? Nah. I can just give you a prescription now.
Run 3 miles and call me in the morning. You’ll feel great afterward.
Nice battle wound. Unfortunately you are just a little late to enter Steve In a Speedo’s contest.
Good luck getting back into the swing of things!!!!