I’ve had my Cyclops Magneto Trainer for about 4 years. I have no idea how many miles I have put on it. Alot. I use it at least once a week, both in and off season. I think trainer workouts with Coach Troy and Spinervals are super dee dooper!
About a year ago, it started making a horrible, squeaky noise. Upon inspection, I could tell one of the screws that holds down the flywheel housing was loose. Trouble is, you can’t easily get to that screw to tighten it, so I had to figure out how to take apart the whole thing. It was fun, actually!
Last week at the IOS “Trainer ride with a Pro” workout, my trainer started making that noise again. Luckily, they had a spare fluid trainer for me to use so I was still able to ride. I was glad for the opportunity to try a fluid trainer. Honestly, it wasn’t any different in feel than the Magneto (which uses magnetic field for resistance). So, rather than buy a new one, I fixed this one again. Let’s hope it lasts another year! If I do buy another trainer, I will buy the Nashbar Wattmaster Fluid trainer, because it has power readings so you can get wattage data. That would be very cool. But, I must wait until I really really need a new trainer.
I took pictures and created captions to show how I did the repair, just in case someone is googling for information on fixing that noise. Click the play button to start slideshow. For easier reading of the captions, you can click on the slideshow and go to my Picasa Album.