Categories: General

For Females: Do you swim in the ocean while menstruating?

I am vacationing in Waves, NC on the outer banks this week. What a lovely beach it is – the beach is uncrowded, pristine and has huge sand dunes. The waves in the ocean are also huge due to Hurricane Bertha…reminds me of my attempt at the Kure Beach triathlon two years ago. They are saying a high risk of rip tides all week!

The soundside looks to be very accessible and I was thinking of trying to get in an open water swim there. Bad timing tho, as I just started my menstrual period. Blah! Does anyone else worry about sharks while menstruating?

I googled “menstrual blood shark” and found this article saying that there is no increased risk of attacks on menstruating women. I don’t believe it tho. They are basing that conclusion on the fact that more men are attacked by sharks than women. But that’s because more men participate in sports that put them at risk.

If you think about it, during any given triathlon race, there’s got to be a small percentage of women who are menstruating. So, we are all shark bait =:-O

I love this picture. Do you think it’s drawn to the proper scale?


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  • I am a wimp, too. I haven't yet swum this week, fearing the shark bait factor. I think I'll venture in tomorrow.

  • This makes me think of my brother-in-law's comment on why he refuses to train in open water:

    "The story is always the same when someone gets bit: 'I've been swimming in these waters for (x) years with out a problem...until yesterday.'" :)

    (I play in the ocean anytime of the month, but I don't do long swims, mostly because I'm a wimp.)"

  • I was on the OBX last year and it is absolutely beautiful. Lucky you! I had never thought about sharks though! I used to swim in the Mediterranean sea and no sharks there!
    I think the chances of anything unpleasant like a shark bite happening are pretty slim though.
    Then again, I am lucky not to be menstruating ;-)

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