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Four Weeks until the Halfmax Half Iron race

A few weeks ago,  I was in a panic about the training plan from the book I’ve always used, having difficulty following it.   It was just too much with my work schedule.  So,  I met with Triathlon Coach, Marty Gaal, who worked up a plan for me.   It’s still alot, but more doable, and Marty said just commit to Tu,Th, Sat and Sun.  If you have to skip the other days, don’t sweat it.    That alone helps alot (and yes, I’ve had to skip some!)

I’ve been posting these mini blogs describing my plan each week – as notes on my Facebook page, but thought, heck, I should put them here too.

Four Weeks to go until the Halfmax Half Ironman race in Myrtle Beach

Last week’s training went very well.   I did a long run on Thursday evening on the ATT trail.  I had a decent pace of 10m/m with some faster miles in the middle… running for 1:33, about 9 miles.   Then I rode 61 miles saturday, ran 12 miles sunday, wore my compression socks during and after the run, and rode 28 miles Monday.  I don’t feel wiped out or sore at all today.

Here is my training plan.    I am dreading the 3-4 miles off the finish at WL oly…I will be cursing Marty Gaal  during those miles.

  • Monday 6-Sep ride or off
  • Tuesday 7-Sep fast swim (haha). Main set 8×100 hard w/ lots of rest IOS ride with Trun
  • Wednesday 8-Sep off
  • Thursday 9-Sep lunch run 40 min ez w/ 5×1 min fast/1min recovery jog pm do 45 min ez ride
  • Friday 10-Sep off
  • Saturday 11-Sep WL oly. Run 3-4 miles off the finish, run whole run at 1/2 iron pace
  • Sunday 12-Sep easy long ride, 2-3 hr cruising/recovery pace

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  • Thanks so much for sharing your modified training plan. Just getting the reassurance that taking a day or two or three off isn't going to kill my training is a relief. I've been stuck in the "have to get the workout in" mode for months and while I'm in the best shape of my life and, I hope, almost ready for my first Half IronMan in three weeks, I've worried about how sustainable my current plan is in the long run. I'm doing the Tri Newbie Intermediate plan and there are no rest days in the last six weeks or so. I needed one last week so took it and dealt with the guilt. ; ) After this race, I hope to take a closer look at my training plan for the long haul. Nice to know that it can be done!

    Good luck at the Halfmax!! You cheered me on for my first Sprint a year ago and I've been following your blog since then. My husband stood on the sidelines and watched me compete in that first race and immediately asked if we could head to a bike shop on the drive home that day. We're now headed to the Augusta 70.3 at the end of the month. Training together has not always been so fun but crossing that finish line on the same day will be pretty cool!

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