Stacey Richardson’s Weekly Workout Tip:
In sports including triathlon, we find no shortage of inspirational stories. To say that we are moved or motivated sometimes would be a gross understatement; In the case of Quannita Underwood, her transformation from victim of sexual abuse to an Olympic contender is beyond remarkable. It’s disturbing, awe-inspiring, and leaves me (almost) speechless. Find below a link to read more about her if you haven’t heard of her.
Very simply, she is the best hope for the US in women’s boxing, making its debut in the 2012 London Olympics this summer.
Very simply, she is already a Champion because she has lived through hell to make it this far.
Many athletes including Lance Armstrong have said that every great endurance athlete is running from something. I totally agree. But once you figure out what you are running from, what can you then run towards?
Take your next defeat and make it the launching pad for your greatest success. Take your despair and turn it into something wildly successful. Make 2012 the year that you notice the great examples all around you, from Quannita to Lance, himself, taking 2nd in the pro triathlete field at 70.3 Panama last weekend.
Perhaps its time to take your defeats and turn them on their head, into victories.
Justin Edmonds for The New York Times
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