The Good news is that I am not stressing over all the details of my race preparation. I also completely forgot about the blister on my heel until just now. Took the band-aid off and it’s looking pretty nasty. Hmmm, guess I will go pack some band-aids in my T2 and Run SN bags.
The Bad news is that I woke up with a terrible sore throat today. I’ve been gargling with salt water, getting lots of rest, drinking Gatorade G2 and taking Airborne (some vitamin thingy).
I hope this doesn’t turn into the full blown cough that my family has had for three weeks.
I’ll post an update tomorrow how I feel. I tried so hard for the past month not to get sick. I have about ten bottles of hand sanitizer around my house.
Oddly, I’m not stressing about this too much. I mean, what I can I do besides take care of myself and hope for the best? If I get better in time, it could turn out to be a good thing. I am getting lots and lots of rest and not stressing about whether or not to do the workouts on my training plan.
Still, I feel like saying “Wah. Somebody call the Wahmbulance!” Only because that is fun to say!
Well it is good you are staying positive! I have had an on again off again scratchy throat so I have been drinking TONS of water and mixing wheatgrass powder and milk and a banana in a smoothie, I always think that helps me (maybe it is mental!) For your blister, have you tried the band aids for blisters, they have a gel cushion to protect the blister from aggravating more. I haven’t used them but would imagine they would help protect a bit more.
Sending you “no sick vibes.” feel better very soon!
Hang in there Carol. Wait till you read my post about my newest running injury. Talk about “WAHMBULANCE”…