I had a crappy bike ride yesterday. Wow, I hardly ever say that.
I felt good on my bike ride for the first half of the 53 mile ride. Then my butt started to hurt alot from the new saddle, which I’m not used to and still not satisfied with position. I don’t get why it didn’t hurt my butt the very first time I rode with it. Unless maybe everything else hurt so much, that I didn’t notice the pain in my derrier.
So, I stopped several times to fiddle with the saddle position. Big mistake, I ended up even more unsatisfied and in more pain. Then it started getting really hot. Just kinda dragged the last 15 miles. When I got home, here’s what the weather said…
This saddle is such a different shape than my old one, that I don’t know how to position my butt on it. I’m thinking it was a mistake to switch my type of saddle.
I’m actually dreading my next bike ride, and that’s just plain wrong.
I have an appointment with the bike fitter on Aug 11th. I guess I’ll have to muddle thru the best I can until then. I am doing Bandit’s Challenge this coming weekend. I signed up for it because I came out of Over the Mountain a stronger cyclist so wanted to do another really hard hill triathlon. I don’t know if I’ll get as much out of it if I don’t have my biking mojo.
Bottom line here is don’t fiddle with your bike position in the prime season! Wait until the off season!
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congrats...that bike should make up for the crappy ride!
I work about 10 hours a week, so yes, I am lucky. I did spend 2006-2007 school year teaching, which is a 12 hour a day job. That's why I didn't go back! During that time, I was lucky to get in 1 hour of workout a day, and a few hours on the weekend. I am looking for a job again, so we'll see what I can do after that.
I have a friend who has four children (two are young, one has severe health problems) plus a demanding job, and he manages to train as much or more than me. He says he gets up at 4:30 am on Sat for his long bike, starts on the trainer, then moves outside when it gets light. He needs to be home by the time the kids are up and needing attention. I think I'd cut my long bike rides in half rather than do that!
Lots of people train for ironmans and work full time. I can't do that even just working part time.
I have read your blog for a few weeks now and I guess I just have to ask if you work? I find it almost inconceivable for most people to be able to train as you do whilst holdng down a fulltime job! I commend you for what you have achieved, but I really don't think it is a real world situation. However, keep it up you are obviously inspiring many! If you do work, I am REALLY impressed!
Well I know where you are coming from. My seat has been a royal pain the the @#$. I plan on tilting it slightly forward to see if this will releive some of the pain. If I had to ride 53 miles on a bad seat, I would be upset too. Lucky for me most of my rides are 20-35 miles long.