I have two requests for help today.

1) The most important request is for my friend, Rebecca…she is having a terrible nagging pain in her hip just weeks before her Ironman race. Check out her blog an leave her some good vibes, or perhaps you have some words of wisdom for her. Scroll down and look for the picture of the pelvic bones. The paragraph above and below that picture is where she describes her symptoms. You can also read her posts titled “The big experiment”, “I have visions of walking a marathon”, “On the mend” and “Treating myself”. Wow, that is pretty much all the posts currently on her home page! Poor Rebecca!

2) The Rev 3 Tri race has a bike check in the day before the race. I have never done a race like that before. Any tips? Should I cover my seat, handelbars, pedals, etc, to keep them dry and free of bird doo doo? I hope it doesn’t rain on my bike!!! Should I lock my bike to the rack? Would that be dorky – especially since my bike will not be the most expensive one on the block?!
