Today I wanted to send a Wahmbulance picture to a friend. So, I went to google images to search for wahmbulance. What a proud moment in my blogging history when my very own blog post came up second in the search results. What does it say about me that this made my day?! I’m hoping this post bumps me up to #1…Bwahahahaha!
March 29, 2011
Sam – the first place I heard of the Whhhambulance was on the movie The Kid. (great movie, by the way).
And Carol – one month is a long time to go inbetween blogs.
That’s awesome – and I mean the fact that your blog came up AND the idea of the Wahmbulance! Totally using that term on my next group run!
I’m glad to see your spin class is working out so well for you. I used to do spin until my knees “decomposed” and I needed a bilateral knee replacement.
It’s been about one year now and I have finally progressed past the recumbant bike to a regular exercise bike. I want to return to spin soon and it feels like within a few months I might be able to. I have to be careful, though, because my surgeon has warned me against too much high impact exercises.
One aspect, in terms of getting back in shape and being more active, is the pain and the occasional swelling on my new artificial knees. Lordy!!! I’ve tried a lot of useless solutions!!! I tried those frozen gel pads, but they always had to be direct from the freezer. Then I tried to put together cold Ace wrap bandages… all they got was soaked and thrown away. Finally, I was searching the internet and found some products from TOTAL ICE THERAPY.COM, a company out of Oakland, California. What I bought from them was not only an icebag I could take anywhere, but one that used regular ice, the kind one might buy just about anywhere from a “7-11” to a local grocery store. All I did was fill the icebag and strap the body-part-specific wrap with the use of strong Velcro straps. It gave me consistant cold pressure and stayed right on the afflicted spot. Cleaning was also easy… drain the bag, dry and use again. When I travel, it is easy to pack and use again and again.
I’m glad your class is working out so well for you… if you should strain your knee, ankle or shoulder, check out the website… tell me how it worked out for you.
Keep peddling!!!
I’m really sorry but I have no idea what a Wahmbulance is!?
Please tell us!
That’s definitely something to be proud of!