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If I Can Do This – You Can Too!

I just received an email from a blog reader that I want to share with you all.    It brings  tears to my eyes  to know that my blog inspired this woman to conquer her fears and self doubts, and go on to  finish her very first triathlon!   Way to go,  Paige!

Dear Carol,

I just wanted to say hi…and thank you. I am 43 years old and was talked into training for a triathlon by my Boot Camp Instructor (ten years younger and 15% body fat…and FAST) back in May. I had been a serious Couch Potato until signing up for Boot Camp last October. Holly, my Instructor, was instrumental in getting me back in shape and out on the road race circuit. My plan was to train for my first half-marathon…she agreed to do it with me as long as I did a Sprint Tri with her. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. We trained diligently and I felt strong until a couple of weeks before the event when a little voice in my head kept reminding me that I was way too old for this. My confidence was waning and it was difficult to train. In my search for my first road bike, I Googled “Specialized Dolce Elite” or something like that and your site came up as one of my choices. I read about your experience with your bike and I felt that I had, indeed, chosen a solid bike but I also continued to read your story and I was inspired all over again. I kept thinking that if you could do it and go on to stand on the podium in future races, I was at least able to go out there and cross the finish line no matter how much time it took. I had new energy behind my training sessions and a nervous, but stronger sense of confidence. On Sunday, I competed in my first Sprint Triathlon and I can’t wait for the next one! I even managed to beat Holly’s time.

I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you telling your story and sharing it. You helped to silence that little voice in my head and that made all the difference in the world!

Happy training! (and congrats on the latest 2nd place finish!)

Paige M.

Thank you Paige for sharing your experience with me, and allowing me to share it with my readers.   To my readers – if you are new to my blog, you may not realize that  I started out as a couch potato, and finished my first triathlon dead last in my age group.      I fought mental demons in my own journey, and worked my ass off – literally and figuratively -to finally find myself  lucky enough to make the podium.   I am always still a little surprised when I place top three in a race.    I have no special athletic talent.  I just have lots and lots of persistence to work hard and keep trying different things to make myself better and better and faster and faster.    If I can do this, YOU CAN TOO!


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  • The next time you think, "I am to old for this" just remind yourself of Darra Torres! It will inspire you to move a little faster despite age and fitness limits! Darra Torres is the poster child for "You can do it!"

  • Thanks for sharing, those are the stories that really understand what we go through as triathletes.


  • Very inspiring. I should print this off for someone I was talking to about doing triathlons. After telling them about my half Ironman, they asked if I had to pay to do it. When I told them that I did, they asked "Well, what do you get for it?" I didn't even know how to respond at that point. This article is the perfect answer for that question. It is a personal achievement that simply can not be beat.

    Congratulations Paige, keep up the great work!

  • Really great post!! Thank you Carol :) I'm a novice triathlete (in my second year) and these types of stories from you and Paige are inspiring.

  • It is always a wonderful thing to see people take on a challenge and see their life expand as it has a flow on effect for everyone around them.
    "You helped to silence that little voice in my head" and every one has that voice in some way or form.

    You can only live life if you step up to the start line, I love reading stuff that shows how true that is Good on ya carol and Paige keep up the journey

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