Today I went for a 1+ hour trail run. I’ve been trying to get my stride so it feels like I have a lighter and quicker foot strike. I spent the entire time focusing on trying to make me feet spend the least amount of time on the ground…picking them up very quickly after they hit the ground.
I was also thinking about my pain in my left hip. It’s a pain I had when I first started running, and it has come back to haunt me again recently. I read somewhere (can’t remember where) that many runners have a bad habit of using one foot more heavily to plant, and the other more heavily to push off.
Anyway, while focusing on these two things, I became aware that my left foot stays on the ground much longer than my right foot. So, I started focusing on balance between the two feet …making sure they both hit the ground and came back the same way and time.
It’s so hard to focus on all this stuff. I hope one day to be able to develop my running form to the point where I can just relax and enjoy the run! I wish I had some natural athletic talent and then this stuff would come easier to me. 😕