I am ticked off right now. The Louis Garneau helmet I bought in December broke. The plastic part of the retaining system snapped in half. I have no idea how it broke. I first noticed the problem at the start of my long bike ride last weekend. I had driven out to the lake to ride with a group. When I put my helmet on before riding, it just didn’t feel right. So I took it off to inspect it, and saw…


I was too far away from home to get another helmet, I repaired it with the mini roll of Duct Tape I keep in my saddle bag. Probably not the safest idea, but it got me through my ride.

Today I went to Performance Bike to ask them what to do about it. I mean, a helmet should last longer than three months, right? I didn’t have my receipt, but I did use my Performance Bike member card when I made the purchase. The sales clerk was able to look up my order, and print out a new receipt for me. That was nice. He was about to swap out the helmet with a new one. But then his supervisor came over and said that I should call LG and ask them to send me a replacement suspension system. I was annoyed by this, but figured I like Performance Bikes and don’t want them to go out of business losing money on broken helmets, so I said “Sure, I’ll do that”.

So, here’s where I got ticked off. I got home and called Louis Garneau. They told me to take it to Performance Bike for a warranty replacement. I explained that I had already gone to the bike shop and was told to call the the manufacturer for a part replacement. The LG rep then said she could do that, and took my name and address. Companies giving me the run-around really ticks me off. I’m mostly ticked off at Performance Bike, but didn’t feel like going back out there. Also ticked off at myself for being nice! So, I am venting here. Feels good to vent. Thanks for listening!