Categories: GeneralRace Reports

Nutrition Report for B2B Ironman

I wrote this a long time ago and never published it.  It’s not very polished, but here it is anyway.

I wanted to record what I ate for my Ironman race, in case I ever do another one…I will be able to look back and see what worked, or didn’t work.   That is the great thing about blogging: I frequently use the Search bar in the upper right of the page to find old posts to remember things.   Maybe if i was 20 years old (instead of 46), I wouldn’t need to do that…LOL!

Days leading up to B2B:


Nutrition: Burned 350 + 1300 rmr = 1650 + 300 extra = 1950 target.
Calories: 2278 From fat: 518.01 (58.07g, 22.74%)
Carbs: 1388.03 (350.12g, 60.93%) Protein: 371.96 (93.82g, 16.33%


Very stressful day. ran around, gear checkin took forever, so I missed 5pm dinner reservation, hubby had to order Ruth Chris, ate at 7pm.

Before going to bed, I Could NOT  find my breakfast for the next day, so I ordered a cup of PB from room service and a banana (guy in elevator gave me one) and saved the leftover ruth chris bread.

Sat, Race Day!

breakfast at 4:30:   bread w/ pb, banana, skinny latte from starbucks, yay.

Gu 40 min before

mini RKT before swim.  RKT = Rice Krispy Treat

at least 60 oz plain water


PBJ uncrustable at start of bike.  gave me tummy issues.  took a rolaids.  glad to have that!   Decided to just stick with liquid nutrition after that.

1000 calorie bottle of concentrate perpetuem

2 packages of Gu Chomps.

atlernated sips of Perp or a couple Gu chomps every 15 min.  Garmin was set to beep every 5 miles which was a good reminder.

had a 2nd pbj in my back pocket which I never ate.  Also had some fig newtons in there, never ate.  had some more snack items in special needs. didn’t even stop to get those.

took a Gu roctane at end of bike ride


Gu Roctane every 30 minutes.  That stuff Rocks!

an orange slice every 1/2 mile.  sometimes also grabbed a cup at the aid stations and drank half, splashed the rest over my back.  The oranges were a wonderful little treat to keep my mind off the painful run.

drank a few sips of my NUUN water every 1 mile when garmin beeped.  filled this twice, so 20+20+15 (about 5 ounces were leftover)

Gu Espresso 2x caffeine in the final stretch.

was going to do my RKT + coke trick, but did not find coke at the right time.   I did find coke at mile 25.5, and grabbed some, but it was cold and bubbly, so I only took one drink and threw rest away.

At about mile 18, an aid station did not have any oranges left.  I saw one on the ground and bent over to inspect.  It was chewed up, darn!    Then I stood back upright, and the volunteer was giving me a funnylook.  I said, hey, I’m desparate for an orange!  it was funny.  A little later, I hit another aid station.  They had about 5 orange slices left.   I said “Can I have them all?”  and the girl helped me stuff them all into my ziploc bag.  It was awesome.

After race.    a few sips of pepsi.  Boost.   an oreo cookie.   then went to med tent.  about 50 ounces of water in the med tent.    then 2 slices of pizza.   at hotel, I ate some of my leftover snacks:  fig newtons, rice krispy treat, and cheesey crackers.   but I was dying for meat!   Hotel room service was 2 hour wait.  I decided to just try and go to sleep.   Could not sleep famished.  Tossed and turned all night long.  kept thinkng about poverty stricken children and wondering how they sleep with an empty hole in their stomach like that.  It made me sad.    At 6:20am, I went down and waited in line for the breakfast buffet, which opened at 6:30 and wolfed down a huge huge plate of scrambled eggs and sausages.


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