Okay, I am at the end of week two of my training plan for the Halfmax Half Iron triathlon in October. And I have formulated my thoughts about how to use P90X and/or strength training into into my training plan.
I have never done any strength training, aside from a few crunches or lunges. In part, because I never wanted to join a gym. And my training plan book by Matt Fitzgerald does not have anything about strength training. Well, it does have a chapter at the end talking about the importance of stretching and strength, but no details about exactly what to do.
I got P90x last fall when I started to work full time, as a way to squeeze short intense workouts into my overly busy life. I love Tony Horton, and the videos are very motivating. If you want to get lean and buff and don’t want to join a gym, P90X is a great way to do it.
However, now that I am into serious training mode, I don’t think the P90x system is good for triathlon training. I find that it leaves my body so sore that it negatively impacts my other workouts. And I don’t think doing 300 different kinds of push ups and chin ups are really all that beneficial to a triathlete. The leg stuff is great, especially in the Legs and Back workout, but I don’t want to do all those chin-ups in between all the lunges and squats! I wish he had just a “Legs” workout. What I really do like is Ab Ripper, Core Synergy, and Plyometrics. I will fit those three workouts into my plan.
Here’s the plan I came up with. Well, actually, Gale Bernhardt came up with this. In her book, “Training Plans for Multi-sport Athletes”, she includes very specific details about strength training in her plans. Twice per week, at varying levels, this is what she recommends:
1 Leg Press
2 Lat Pull Down
3 Hip Extension
4 Chest Press or Push Ups
5 Seated Row
6 Personal Weakness (for me, this is glutes/adductors)
7 Ab Exercises
8 Optional: back extension
Since I joined O2 Fitness in Cary, I now have access to gym machines. The first phase of Gale’s plan is called “AA” for Anatomical Adaptation. You do high reps using low weights. I did this workout at lunchtime at the gym twice this week, and it was not hard. I did not even break a sweat, or have to take a shower afterwards. My muscles were a bit sore the next day, but not so bad that it ruined my other workouts. Best of all, just this little bit of strength training makes me feel like I have a little bit more pep in my muscles for swimming and running.
For #7, Abs, I am doing the Ab Ripper DVD. For #3 and #8, I am doing this Roman Chair Hip Extension, which I found on Youtube:
After four weeks of “AA” in Gale’s plan, you increase the weights, and lowers the reps. Then even later, she lowers the weight, and ups the speed of the movements to build power and adds Plymotrics. For the Plyometrics, I will do P90X plyo dvd! In the final phase, as the training plan peaks, her strength plan goes to maintenance mode, still 2x per week. I may do 1x at the gym, and 1x Core Synergy at that point. Haven’t decided yet. This is still a work in progress, but I am excited about it.
P90X is good for overall fitness and gains in strength and endurance. But it isn’t beneficial for training in specific events (like golf). I have been using it for nine months and never noticed the transformation that is marketed, but, I’m sure if you wanted to starve yourself you could look as lean (and tanned with extra white teeth LOL) as the pictures. I personally like the upper body workouts and by the time I get to legs/back I am burned out on Tony for the week. I am thinking about trying out Shaun’s “Insanity” from BeachBody to see what that’s all about.
I’m with Wenzel…I’ve heard GREAT stuff about P90x, but I think the best results would come during the off season. I’m in the process of becoming certified as a Personal trainer by the National Strength and Conditioning Association and I just read something interesting in my text book. Basically, when athletes have strenght and endurance goals, we’re to focus on one at a time. So my plan is to do minimal “maintenance” stength training (mostly body weight and core so I don’t have to spend time in the gym) during the season and then during the winter, focus on strength and do minimal “maintenance” endurance work.
LOST AND FOUND – (Portland, OR)
Does anyone know of a blog where I should post a Lost and Found message?
I LOST MY WET SUIT at the Blue Lake Olympic Tri last Sunday (June 5th) and am looking for additional resources to try and locate it.
Hey Carol- Ironically, my husband just bought me a used P90X set off of one of his co-workers. Like you, I’ve never really done any strength training since starting triathlon, but I would like to do ‘something’. I agree that there are parts of the P90X program that would work well for triathletes and then other parts that wouldn’t work so well. I’m sure I’ll grow tired of the DVDs eventually, but it’s a nice change for now. I’ve also considered using TRX for strength training… seems to be the new ‘hot’ think among many triathletes.
Carol – awesome post. It is hard to figure out the strength training portion of training. Thank you for sharing this good information. To Shellyleslie – I have done the Philadelphia Women’s Triathlon twice with the river swim – it is awesome! It was honestly some of the cleanest water – no weeds like in lakes. Also, the current is a nice help – don’t shy away because of the river – it’s really not bad at all.
Hey, just stumbled across your blog as I’m looking into the Halfmax Half Iron as well. I’m also racing Rev3 this weekend and saw you did it last year, any tips for getting through that bike course??
Carol, I was JUST searching tonight for strength training exercises to help my swimming and found your blog. Great stuff here! You are so inspiring! I’m considering going to Philadelphia Aug 1 for the SheROX tri. It’s a RIVER SWIM however, which terrifies me right this minute.
Not sure if you came across this link, but more info about P90x and triathlon training. It also indicates it is not suitable for triathletes.