Question: Can a Horsefly Bite through Cycling Shorts
Answer: Yes!
Yesterday I rode 59 miles followed by a 5k hilly brick run. It was a good, hot, and fun workout. I rode with two friends: Mark and Kevin. We started at Jordan Lake, rode out to Holly Springs to do the Triangle Triathlon Course, and then rode back to the lake. The Triangle bike course is going to be fast and fun. Nice gentle rollers – much easier than my normal training grounds, and even easier than Duke 1/2, Pinehurst, or Riverwood. And it will be Mountains easier than Rev 3 Tri.
While I was riding behind one of my friends, I noticed a huge horsefly buzzing around. It kept landing on his butt. This buzzing and landing bit went on for a couple miles. I was amazed that the bugger could keep up with our 17 mph pace. I guess horseflies are good at drafting. Where are those USAT race course officials when you need them, huh? I thought about saying something to my friend, but figured that the horsefly wouldn’t be able to bite through cycling shorts, and didn’t want to embarass him. A little while later, my friend said ouch and slapped at the horsefly. Oops, guess I was wrong, horseflies CAN bite through shorts!
Here are some pictures I took while riding:
Horseflys can bite through spandex, eh? learn something new every day !