Here is a quick race report for Riverwood. I will write a novel later this week. I like to write detailed race reports, because I can go back and read them later when preparing for races and recall the lessons I have learned. It helps get my head in the game. Am I OCD, or what?
I got third overall female with a time of 1:16:35, which was way more than I thought I could do! I was hoping for a top three master spot, but “top three overall” trumps top “three masters” – woot!
Tough moderately hilly bike course and a hot run. Run was all the way downhill the first half, and back UPHILL the second half. I split the run about even, so I was pleased with how I worked the hills! Great day overall. The day turned into a real scorcher – so the folks who started their swim later in the day deserve a huge round of applause for toughing it out! Way to GO!
I saw my mentor, Jon Farber, who as usual, shared his golden nuggets of wisdom with me. He had a great day, too, taking the #1 overall spot. And a blog reader Chris Jones introduced himself to me. He took #1 in his age group, 20-24. Go Chris! So many cool people to meet at the races!
Unofficial Times:
Swim 300 yards: 05m 43s Avg HR: 153
T1: 1:27
Bike 14 miles: 41m 31s Avg HR: 158
T2: 1:19
Run 5k: 26m 35s Avg HR: 165 / Max HR: 196
Overall time was 1:16:35
HR: 160 avg / 196max
I did this race as my very first tri in 2005 and was dead last in my age group. I was still a winner back then! Here’s the race report for that day.
Funny Story:
Before I left in the morning, I wrote my bib number on my hand to remember it. That way I could rack my bike before heading to packet pickup. My 40+ year old brain just can’t remember stuff! When I went over to body marking, the woman looked at my number and said “Oh, that’s an easy number to remember”. It didn’t even dawn on me that my number was 1-2-3. D’oh!
Lots of Crap
Look at all the crap I have to clean up now! In the past I have wondered if a Sprint Tri is worth all the effort that goes into race prep and cleanup. I mean, all that effort for 1.5 hours worth of a workout? I have to say that YES it was worth it. I had alot of fun yesterday, and because I was going pretty much all out during the short race, I was completely exhausted the whole day. Left it all on the race course – as it should be!
Oh, that “disc wheel” is just a regular wheel that I put aero disc covers on. I used them at Pinehurst. They are such a pain to get on the wheel, that I bought a spare wheel on ebay to construct a “poor woman’s race wheel”. Trouble is, I could not get the cassette on that new wheel, so did not use it yesterday. I think something is wrong with the hub. Unfortunately, I already left positive feedback for the seller, so I am SOL on that deal.
Hi Carol! I am happy to have found your website. I am 32 and a couch potato, but I am doing my first EVER sprint triathlon this weekend in Columbia, MO. I am very nervous and go back-and-forth between insecurity and scolding myself to just enjoy it! Although I think I have the endurance to complete it, I definetely won’t be setting the course on fire. Anyway, your blog is motivating and exciting! Congrats on third overall, that’s really impressive!
wow, congrats on the third overall ! that’s wonderful !
Nice race, Carol!! Third overall is amazing!! Congrats.
You are doing an incredible job – and improving by leaps and bounds! Your race report has inspired me, as usual. Hopefully today I’ll make it to the track to run a few easy miles and get back in the saddle; I did my first sprint tri of the season last Sunday, but have been sick ever since. I haven’t run, biked, or swam all week. It’s tough to be a teacher, mom, and triathlete when I feel like crud – you know how it is. Anyway, super job!!!