Okay, so I’m in quite a lot of pain today after yesterday’s 15 mile run. It reminded me of my humble beginnings, when I was building up to 4 miles. That was a hard milestone to get past. I was in a lot of pain back then. I had to walk that delicate line between pushing the body beyond it’s comfort zone – yet not pushing too far or else risk injury.
It’s very much a two steps forward, one step backward process. Push to the pain. Rest and recover. Push some more. If it hurts too much, let it rest a bit longer.
I think that’s where I am now. It hurts too much. Luckily, there is not too much running in my plan this week. And I WILL NOT add any running this week either. I have been adding alot of extra 3 mile runs to bump up my volume.
Here’s a pain daigram. Something therapeutic about making those!
I’ll see if I can find my books and let you know what the pain regions indicate. Does sound like piriformis syndrome. I’ve got it too.
Hope the pain goes away quickly
I hope you feel better. The rest is probably much needed. Not sure if you are a Seinfeld fan or not, but I think you need lightning bolts to symbolize pain rather than red dots.
http://www.seinfeldscripts.com/TheStranded.html (See the Opening Monologue)