Just a quick post.
Even tho my bike mojo seems to be missing in action, my running mojo is smokin’. I did a super hilly 7 mile run last weekend after a 2.5 hour bike ride. (brick). I did a pace of 9:41 while staying in zone 2. That is phenomenal for me. And the day before I had done a 4 hour bike ride, so it wasn’t like I had fresh legs.
Today I did a treadmill workout. A pace of 9 felt very easy to me – just put me to the top of Zone 2. And a pace of 8 was not too hard – that bumped me up to high Zone 3. Not even Zone 4! Holy crap where did that come from?! A pace of 8 used to feel like an all out effort!
Who knows, maybe the dizziness and headache problem will make me go slower on the bike at Duke and B2B. And that will allow me to put in a good run split. I’d be okay with that
The neck is 99% better and I know it was due to ramping up my bike volume too fast. Stupid mistake. I will be smart from now on. The headache I can suffer thru if it happens again. The dizziness…hopefully, I can figure that out. It’s not so bad that I can’t ride. I just can’t fly down hills as fast as I want to.
Right on!
I wish I had running mojo
yay for running mojo !!
I’m new to the Triathlon world, I am a police officer that wants to get back in shape, and I have always admired Triathletes, Now I have put in motion my quest to do a triathlon and someday The Ironman at Kona….
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