Wow, I think it’s been a whole month since I last posted. I have been unsuccessful at losing any weight. The good news is that I have not gained any weight. I still weigh about 157 lbs.
And it still really sucks running with that extra weight. The only race I am excited about is Bridge to Bridge, the mountain century that I want to do in September. I really don’t want to do any triathlons at this weight. It will suck too much. I know, I am comparing myself to my former “lean mean triathlon machine” self. I either need to find my way back there, or get over it. Red pill. Blue pill. The blue pill tempts me.
I did have some nice lunch time runs at work in the sewer easement. My friend and co-worker, Scottie, calls me a sewer rat!
Here are some tweets from one of those runs, reverse cron order. If I had any spare time in my life, I’d clean this up and embed the pictures. But, work is kicking my ass lately, so I have no time. Still love the job and the people, but it is really quite demanding.
Running when you have a few more pounds than you would like has always been a problem for me. Despite the weight I have insisted on running and finding the best races for my level of fitness.
I am currently doing five or six 10K’s a year and managing one marathon. Getting older hasn’t always been kind and neither has running on concrete!
Recently, I have experienced abnormal swelling in my left knee and some discomfort in my right ankle. I knew I had to treat this kind of pain or it would put me on the sidelines. I tried to use those frozen gel pads but if I wasn’t close to my frig, it was invariably a “no go”. I tried to fix up Ace Wraps with ice and that ended up in an oversaturated mess. I just had to resolve to throw money away, that I had spent on these products. I was getting a little depressed, when I began to search for a better solution.
I ran across this company in Oakland, California called TOTAL ICE THERAPY.COM. The products I bought worked great!!! Sometimes the best solutions are simple solutions. The solution was an icebag. You fill it full of regular ice, the kind you can buy at a convience store or get from your own frig. It’s a large bag and can hold cubed or crushed ice. The beauty is that two solid Velcro straps hold it on either my knee or ankle solidly. I can move about my daily business without having to worry if the bag will slip or slide off. When I’m done, I empty the bag, dry out the product and reuse it again when I need it. It really travels well and takes up almost no room in a gym bag or suitcase.
Keep running and don’t worry so much about the weight. Just stay active and have fun. If you do over-do it and need to recover, try these icebags…they will really help you get back running.
Hope you have a nice day!!!
You’d better get ready, Kure Beach is just around the corner!
Hey Carol – I think I found a post I would look forward to seeing from you. Truly truly truly what does it feel like running and doing tris at different weights? How does the body move differently? I would like to see if I can understand the emotions and sensations to help me with weight and running.
Hang in there!!!