Categories: >Biking

Trainer Workouts with a Pro at Inside Out Sports = 1 Killer Bike Ride!

I did the Trainer ride with a Pro tonight at Inside Out Sports in Cary.   The store sponsors these workouts (almost) every Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm.  They are free – you just have to bring your own bike and your own trainer.   It was great killer workout, and I plan on doing this every Tuesday evening.  My  new job is five minutes from Inside Out Sports.

Tonight’s workout was led by local pro triathlete, Alex McDonald.

Since I get off work at 5, and the workout starts at 6:30, I was the first one to arrive for the workout.  Alex is a member of Team Timex, and he had some free schwag for the first one to arrive.  That was me!   How lucky is that.  I got a brand new Timex Sleek 150 lap tap technology watch.  It’s very slim design and I am wearing it right now as I type. I love it so far – very sleek and comfortable!

I asked him if he would take my picture so I could tweet about my prize.  (Click any image below to enlarge.)


I tweeted: “won timex ironman tap watch cuz i was first to arrive at @alexmmtri spin class”

The first thing we did after the warmup was isolated leg drills. That is where you unclip one leg and only spin with the other leg.   We did alot of those, and I hated them.  But that means they were good for me.


Alex let me tweet a picture of him.  I twote: “single leg drill at ios with @alexmmtri“.

The middle part of the workout were three tempo sets. I love those. I am very good at steady eddie riding.   Then we did some super spins.  Hate, hate, hated those!  But again, if you hate a workout, it means it is good.

After the workout, Alex let us all try a Recovery drink called Ultragen made by First Endurance.


It was really good tasting. Not too sweet like most similar products. I was very impressed.
I tweeted: “free first endurance recovery drink from @alexmmtri yum ”

One last picture for you to enjoy:

Tweet: “at IOS – look at the P4’s!”


View Comments

  • I love when January roles around and our local shop has a spin night; you don't just get all the top triathletes there but also a bunch of the time trail and road race guys.

    I don't know if I am alone in this one but it gives me massive motivation to train harder when there is a good group of guys there.

  • We have several local shops that have spin classes where we take our own bikes but they supply the trainers. I really like spinning on my own bike. I never was into the spin classes where you had to ride those spin bikes at the gym.

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