Categories: >Running

Tweeting on the Treadmill

I did a bike trainer ride this morning which was total suckage. My painful saddle saga is once again rearing it’s ugly head now that I am ramping up my bike mileage. I hate the thought of riding my bike. That’s just plain wrong! I have ordered a new saddle based on talking to BT buddy Running_in_NC. Stay tuned.

Afterwards, I did a speed workout on the treadmill. It went super! That’s a real switch for me to be sitting here typing about sucky bike rides and great runs.

The treadmill workout was 7x60s at 9.5mph on 3:00 recovery. Once again, I added 10 sec to the repeats to allow the belt speed to ramp up. Makes the workout harder… just call me HTFU Girl! It was a killer workout, and I rocked it! I got thru all of the intervals strong, without any unplanned rest. Yay me! HR splits: 164,174,174,179,178,??,176.

tweety.jpgI recorded my thoughts on Twitter during the recoveries. That was fun, tho I was a bit concerned I was stricken with twitterhea, hehehe!

Here are the tweets (in reverse chronological order):

# finished all reps strong, no wussy. now to finish with a 10 min practice the pace with hills @6mph (my desired Duke 1/2 pace) 42 minutes ago

# ditto on rep #6. moving watch to wrist instead of on TM tray, as drifing back puts me out range of HR monitor. one more! finish strong! 47 minutes ago

# almost flew off the back on rep #5, but no puke level. was visualizing Cait Snow’s run to win Lake Placid…wonder if she ever flew off a tm 51 minutes ago

# Hit puke level already on rep #4…not looking foward to reps 5-7!!! 56 minutes ago

# HTFUing my way thru another dreamill speed wrkout. 7×1:00 @ 9.5mph on 3:00 active recovery. Ouch. about an hour ago

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  • That is awesome you have been tweeting it up! I dont run on the treadmill anymore - it affects my body in a different way than regular running. This article helped me think about it differently:
    Check it out and tell me what you think!

  • I think that it is really good that you are so committed to doing triathlon as well as writing on your blog. you have interesting atricles

  • Let me know if you resolve your seat issue. I have used three different seats and they all make me go numb in the nether regions after twenty minutes of riding. I don't know if it is my position on the bike, position of the seat, or just a bad seat.

  • Carol, I am excited to report that I did fartleks on the treadmill today and did my 30sec intervals at 10mph (up from 9mph) with 60secs of recovery at 6pmh. Unlike you, I don't add any extra seconds, that belt can take as long as it wants to get up to speed! I guess I was afraid of falling off running that fast, but I didn't. I really had to focus, though. Unfortunately, my HR monitor gets interference on my treadmill so I have no idea what my HR hits during those intervals.Thanks for motivating me to run faster :)

  • 4.0 mph, which is a very slow jog for me. Funny, I almost put that in my blog, but decided nobody really cared about that! I do try to not bore people with needless details, believe it or not!

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