Today I did speedwork on the treadmill. I have no residual pain from last Sunday’s long run. Phew. I am lucky. I will still play it smart this week and not do any extra running. Stick to the plan.
Treadmill workout details:
- warmup 5 min at 3.5mph
- 5 min at 6.6 mph, pace of 9m/m (practice the pace)
- 3×3:00 at 8.5mph with equal recovery at 4mph. First two were hard, but did not get my hr into zone 5. bumped up #3 to 8.7mph. harder, but hr still not where it needed to be. #4 at 8.9mph. almost wimped out after 2 min, but held on. hit puke and pee in my pants level at the end of that one, woot!
- ran 2 miles outside at pace of 9:20 m/m. Was shooting for 9, but, meh.
Like yesterday’s Trainer workout, I tweeted during my recovery sets. It was fun. Here are my tweets, in reverse chron order:

gd thing abt treadmill speedwrk: i know exactly how 2 get my hr up on nxt rep. plus i cn think abt how cn i make ths pace feel easier.
8.9 mph got my hr into zone 5, perfect. hit puke level. hit pee level too (peed my pants as soon as hr went back down). #iag.
bumped speed up to 8.7 from 8.5. hr got to 173. puke level yes, hr still not high enough tho, so last rep will bump up again. ack!
hr 170 this rep. think 1st rep hr was high due to inadequate warmup. that’s prolly why most heart attacks occur during swim leg of tri.
got hr up to 185. didn’t feel like i was in the puke zone, tho. weird. ty @msjathletics for ur supporT!
come together, right now, over me. #aerosmith
there is a picture of the Dwight bobblehead hanging in front of my treadmill to remind me to look forward. keeps my own head from bobbing!
got the house to myself today, yay! @Aerosmith cranked up full blast. About to start Treadmill speed workout.
My impression during this workout is that I can get my heart up much higher on the treadmill as compared with going to the track. So, I took the Heart Rate graphs from two different interval/speed workouts. The graphs are from the Garmin Connect site. I put them into photoshop, and superimposed them on top of each other. Here’s how it looks. I think I do work harder on the treadmill. But I work pretty dang hard on the track, too.
One thing that strikes me as odd is that the last two spikes in the treadmill workout graph are not higher than the first three spikes. I had bumped up the speed to get my heart rate up higher. And I was really dying on the last one! Yet those humps don’t look higher! Note that the first two humps in the treadmill graph are the highest because I did not warm up adequately. My bad!
Wow loved reading this post. I submitted your feed to my blogreader.
Your a beast, nice work