Well, I’ve got all my gear bags packed up. I think packing is the most stressful part of this thing called Ironman! I may change my mind about that at mile 20 of the run course!
Yesterday morning I woke up feeling awful. Lots of coughing and tightness in the chest, and I was feeling pretty bad about things. I did not feel good about my race while packing up all my gear bags Today, I woke up feeling a little better. I’m not 100% healthy, but I feel I’m on the upswing, and I feel good about my race.
I want to thank all the peeps who emailed me words of encouragement to me over the past week. It really means alot to me that you are out there supporting me. I especially want to thank my friend: Ginger Spansel (Aquaphor Chick) who gives me so many helpful tips and is even going to the race to cheer me on; Cindy Bolin who wrote me a very sweet email filled with funny things to make me smile; and Rebecca Dewire who always has words of support for me I’d also like to thank the blog readers who always post supportive comments: Krista, Scott, Karen, Rene, Tricia , Jennifer, Kati, Jennifer, GoSonja and Kelley. Thank you all so much!
Don’t stress out there Carol. Stay relaxed, have fun and kill that course! I’ll be following all the tweets this weekend!